
Hi! My name is Lexi, and this is going to be my blog website! I’m so excited to get started, but before I start posting I feel it’s important that I talk a little about myself so you can get to know me.

My first name is Alexis, and I go by Lexi. My favorite color has got to be teal, it’s very pretty and I think it just suits me. I love all kinds of animals, but foxes are by far my favorite. I also love writing. Mostly story-writing. I am currently in the 7th grade, and I’m really lucky that I am able to see most of my friends at lunch or around school. This year has been really weird and wacky for not only me but people around the world because of all this COVID-19 stuff. I’m really glad we’re not in full lock-down.

Some things that you can look forward to with this blog is getting to know more about me and my daily life, although it is unlikely I will post everyday. I’m so excited to journal about things that go on in my life, and things that are new and/or different to me. I hope you are all excited as well!